How to Send Emails Cheaper using MagneticMailer?

As businesses look for ways to save money, one area that often comes under scrutiny is marketing. Email marketing is a cost-effective way to promote your business and engage with your customers, but it can still add up if you have a large email list. One solution is to use, an email marketing service that offers affordable pricing plans and features to help you send emails cheaper.

Here are some tips on how to send emails cheaper using

Choose the right plan offers different pricing plans based on the number of subscribers you have and the number of emails you send. The more subscribers you have, the higher the cost of the plan. If you have a smaller email list, you can choose a lower-tiered plan to save money. offers a free plan, which can be a good starting point for businesses just getting started with email marketing.

Clean up your email list

One way to send emails cheaper is to reduce the number of subscribers you are paying for. If you have a large email list, chances are that some subscribers are no longer active or have not opened your emails in a while. By removing these subscribers, you can reduce your monthly costs. offers tools to help you clean up your email list, such as the ability to segment your list based on subscriber activity.

Use automation

Sending individual emails can be time-consuming and costly. One way to send emails cheaper is to use automation. offers the ability to set up automated email campaigns that trigger based on subscriber behavior, such as when they sign up for your email list or when they make a purchase. This can save you time and effort in sending individual emails, and can help you reach your subscribers at the right time with the right message. This is an upcoming feature and it will be implemented shortly.

Create targeted campaigns

Sending targeted campaigns to specific segments of your email list can help increase open rates and conversions. By segmenting your list based on subscriber behavior, interests, or demographics, you can send campaigns that are more relevant to your subscribers. offers tools to help you segment your list, such as the ability to tag subscribers based on their behavior.

Optimize your emails

Sending emails that engage your subscribers and drive conversions is essential to getting the most value from your email marketing efforts. Testing different subject lines, email content, and calls to action can help you find what resonates with your subscribers and drives engagement. offers A/B testing features to help you test different elements of your emails and optimize your campaigns.

Use personalization

Personalization is a powerful way to increase engagement and conversions in your email campaigns. By using subscriber data to personalize your emails, you can make your subscribers feel like you are speaking directly to them. offers personalization features, such as the ability to insert subscriber names into your emails and use dynamic content based on subscriber data.

Monitor your email metrics

Tracking your email metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, can help you optimize your campaigns and send emails cheaper. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify what is working and what is not, and make changes to improve your results. offers analytics features to help you track your email metrics and gain insights into your subscribers’ behavior.

Use a consistent sending schedule

Sending emails on a consistent schedule can help increase engagement and keep your subscribers interested in your content. By sending emails at the same time each week or month, you can establish a rhythm that your subscribers can rely on. offers scheduling features that allow you to send emails at specific times and dates, so you can plan your campaigns in advance.

Use mobile-responsive email templates

More and more people are reading from their mobile devices, Magnetic Mailer provides you with the option to create email templates that are mobile responsive. It is a drag-and-drop builder and you can create templates in minutes.

Send Email Campaigns 10X Cheaper using SendGrid API

MagneticMailer provides you with the solution to manage all your contacts, email templates, campaigns & reports with the best UI available in the market. You can simply integrate your SendGrid API with MagneticMailer and start sending emails in minutes.

Send Emails Cheaper with the Best Platform is an email marketing service that offers affordable pricing plans and features to help businesses send emails cheaper. To make the most of the service and save money using the cheapest email marketing reddit solution, there are several tips to follow.

There are many free email marketing tools available in the market but choosing the right email API provider is crucial to avoid overpaying for the emails you send if you are looking for a cheap emailing service. MagneticMailer is integrated with both Amazon Simple Email Service(AWS SES) and SendGrid Email API. You can choose the best provider to match your requirement. offers different pricing plans based on your needs, including a free plan. You can check out our reviews at G2 by clicking here.

Cleaning up your email list by removing inactive subscribers can reduce your monthly costs. Using automation to set up automated email campaigns can save time and effort while creating targeted campaigns can increase open rates and conversions. Some Providers like Sendinblue, mailchimp are also offering email campaigns. Optimizing your emails by testing different elements and using personalization can also improve engagement and conversions.

Tracking email metrics and using a consistent sending schedule can help you monitor the performance of your campaigns and keep subscribers interested. Using mobile-responsive email templates is also important, as more people are reading emails on their mobile devices.

Overall, is a cost-effective way to send emails and promote your business. By using these tips, businesses can make the most of the service and send emails cheaper while still reaching their subscribers with engaging content.

Send Email Campaigns 10X Cheaper using Amazon SES API

MagneticMailer provides you with the solution to manage all your contacts, email templates, campaigns & reports with the best UI available in the market. You can simply integrate your Amazon SES API with MagneticMailer and start sending emails in minutes.

Send Email Campaigns for Less Cost

Here is the Perfect Solution.